What is Mobile Marketing? Various methods of mobile advertising and its analysis

What is Mobile Marketing? Various methods of mobile advertising and its analysis

targeted mobile traffic has made a lot of progress compared to previous years and this method has many advantages over other methods of advertising

As technology evolves, communication tools and ways have evolved and cost users time and money. Therefore, it is quite natural that advertising methods have undergone changes as well, for example the presence of millions of Iranian users in virtual spaces such as Telegram and Instagram indicates that the era of expensive television and press advertising is over; And the cost has been replaced by past methods, and if you're looking to better introduce your products and services and don't invest too much in high advertising costs like TV, newspapers or street billboards, one of the best options for you is mobile advertising. .

Guide to mobile advertising, app installation ads, increasing the number of cafe market installations, app guaranteed installation and more You can read more about mobile apps here:

Factors Influencing Mobile Advertising Success

  • Impressive content:

One of the main points to keep in mind with this promotion is to produce effective and effective content that can include fun text, content to target group, short sentences and use of effective words, visual appeal and Other similar points are noted.

  • Personalization of data and data:

One of the things that advertisers should pay attention to is age, gender, Zero in on your designated prospect audience with US State targeted website traffic.  location, and more in order to personalize their targeted ads.

  • Considering consumer behavior:

In mobile marketing, we should aim to produce ads that have the most impact on the audience with the least explanation and targeting the user within 3 seconds should be the goal of the marketing expert.

Types of mobile advertising methods

The first part introduces the in-app advertising capabilities of using all the categories for different advertising purposes, and the second part introduces the types of ads suitable for app owners.

SMS Advertising:

This method, which is less commonly used today due to the invention of new mobile marketing methods, has been one of the most effective methods of advertising in the past, although it is still used by some companies and you need some space to do this. And take the time to send in the list of audience numbers of the place you want at the best time, your ad text that should have the most impact on the shortest sentences.

Keep in mind that the conversion rate for messages will be very low if you send them in bulk, and your message will never reach a large volume of users for various reasons, or you will be blocked immediately after viewing. Therefore, it is recommended to use promotional SMS only for specific segments or campaigns appropriate for older and retired customers.

One of the most successful techniques for sending bulk SMS is using an SMS secretary, for example, asking users to submit a 2-digit price list, and then you have a database of people interested in a category.

Social media advertising

Advertising on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook in all countries is carried out regularly through the advertising panel. One of the most effective methods of mobile advertising in Iran is the use of telegram which is very efficient, and you can spend with minimal time, Introduce your services and products to a wide range of people. It is interesting to know that according to recent research, Telegram has over 40 million Iranian users, over 550,000 channels and one billion Persian content, which has provided a good platform for mobile marketing.

Notification cover ads

In this way, a specific message is sent to specific application users at a specific time, be careful to use this method for marketing and maintaining your users, and do not bother users with irrelevant submissions, while many Appstore’s like The market café has been hit hard by other notifications by sending a notifications cover to invite Install. Pushout, one signal, Subscribers are the most popular services of Pushout Advertising Notification Services.

The second largest and most favored virtual network of the world, with over 15 million users in our country alone, is Instagram. Like telegram, Instagram has a lot of fans, so most Instagram users spend several hours a day surfing, making it the perfect platform for mobile advertising. You can get a great audience on Instagram by publishing the right video or photo and writing appropriate, short and effective text and you can get great feedback with minimal cost and time. In previous articles on social media content production, extensive publicity in this space and the duties of digital marketing manager have been discussed in detail.

Mobile marketing by location

Mobile advertising based on location or location is another method of mobile marketing that is displayed considering the user's location. For example, do what many companies are doing as part of their overall marketing strategy - buy mobile traffic to boost your brand online.  some advertisers or mobile marketers only want users who are within 2 kilometers of their business to view their mobile ads and use them with their business. Of course, this type of advertising is still not implemented in Iran with * Increased number of app installs

The hot topic of these days is the internet-based app business, comparing ways to increase installation and app installs. One thing that should not be overlooked is considering the right strategy before launching your advertising campaigns for installation and purchase. Big businesses don't start selling campaigns and increase installation before branding and increasing the audience database. Keeping the UI and UX principles in mind is also a prerequisite for any online product, and you can check for the lack of hurdles in the app with frequent testing and using crash testing tools such as bet abound.

Launching an app has many problems and expanding it regardless of monetization model, customer journey cycle and mobile marketing strategies and getting advice from digital marketing consultants will only waste your time and money.

For example, a news app manager should consider a buy targeted mobile traffic cycle for the user and his / her client to attract and transform the user into an advertising channel to introduce to their friends. For example, a user on Google searches for a sports news phrase and enters your dedicated landing, and comes up with your special offer, such as registering a mobile number and receiving daily news. After one week when the news is sent via SMS and MMS, the app install link will be sent, and after installing the software, the user will be invited to a special prize draw by sending an invitation to friends and the app's client cycle will be in phase First comes to an end.

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